The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74575   Message #1318748
Posted By: DaveA
06-Nov-04 - 08:29 AM
I have to say that I find myself a bit confused about the heat that this thread has raised.

After all, as far as I can make out, Cindy is not a Mudcatter but rather someone who has been pointed in our direction as a (dare I say it) lobby group that may further publicise her predicament. OK, as long as we recognise that as what it is.

I am an Aussie with absolutely no time for the current Government & it's policies re the admittance of "boat people" etc but it has to be said that anyone seeking residence in Australia is naive in the extreme if they do not make themselves aware of what the current policy is. Similarly, anyone overstaying their entrance visa to the US in the post 7/11 world is plain stupid. I have a daughter who admittedly is now adult but I cannot imagine I would have been so short sighted as to have placed her long term welfare at such risk as is the case here.

One problem I have with modern society is the concept of "victim" & the automatic absolution of all failings if that title is claimed. The Twelve Step Group I have belonged to for 16 years suggests that when we accept that the consequences of our actions are our own responsibility we have a chance to change things.

And finally, perhaps we should have a look at a very relevant song in the Digital Tradition. It's by Tom Lehrer & called "The Folk Song Army"
