The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75203   Message #1318941
Posted By: Blissfully Ignorant
06-Nov-04 - 02:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Crylabia
Subject: RE: BS: Crylabia
Oi! What did i do? I'm hurt, i really am...

It's not like my age is a big secret or anything, i'm 17. Doesn't that just make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside?

I dunno. What's the world coming to when we can't laugh at genitals? Hahahaha...'coming'...hehhehe..*snort*hahahaha 'genitals'. I said genitals!

And incidentally,I'm getting plenty. And making several sheep very happy in the process!

p.s- Willy, bum, tits, fanny!