The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16404 Message #1319016
Posted By: Joe Offer
06-Nov-04 - 03:48 PM
Thread Name: Origins: My home's across the Blue Ridge Mountains
Subject: ADD Version: My Home's Across the Smoky Mts.
My home's across the Smoky Mountains, My home's across the Smoky Mountains, My home's across the Smoky Mountains, And you'll never get to see me any more.
Goodbye, little sugar darling, Goodbye, little sugar darling, Goodbye, little sugar darling, You'll never get to see me any more.
Rock my baby, feed it candy, Rock my baby, feed it candy, Rock my baby, feed it candy, You'll never get to see me any more.
My home's across the Smoky Mountains, My home's across the Smoky Mountains, My home's across the Smoky Mountains, And you'll never get to see me any more
Source: The Frank C. Brown Collection of North Carolina Folklore (Volume 3)
BROWN'S NOTES: One of the numerous bits of love lyric current among ballad- singing folk. This particular bit I have not found reported from outside the state.
Version A 'My Home's across the Smoky Mountains.' Reported in June 1948, by Professor Hudson, from the singing (at Chapel Hill) of Bascom Lamar Lunsford of South Turkey Creek, Buncombe county. Mr. Lunslord described it as a popular banjo song.
(Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford at Chapel Hill, North Carolina, May 23, 1953. He stated that this song can be classified as a "Straw-ride song." Possibly it is based upon an old religious song, "Oh, How I Love Jesus." The beginning somehow recalls "Go Tell It on the Mountains.")