The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16404   Message #1319034
Posted By: Q (Frank Staplin)
06-Nov-04 - 04:13 PM
Thread Name: Origins: My home's across the Blue Ridge Mountains
Subject: RE: Origins: My home's across the Blue Ridge Mtns
In Brown, vol. 5, music ("My Home's Across the Smoky Mountains"), it is stated that "Possibly it is based on an old religious song: 'Oh, How I Love Jesus.'" The author also notes that the beginning "somehow recalls 'Go Tell It On the Mountain.'"

The Cyberhymnal has "O How I Love Jesus," with midi and lyrics, written by Frederick Whitfield, 1855, "19th c. American melody." It reminds me more of "The Bear Went Over the Mountain." Not sure that this is the hymn which is referred to in Brown. O How I Love

"Oh, How I Love Jesus," music by Frederick Woodfield, with the same lyrics as Cyberhymnal, here: Oh How I Love

Elvis Pressley sang a different "Oh How I Love Jesus." Oh How Elvis

None of this may be pertinent.