The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75211   Message #1319045
Posted By: Nerd
06-Nov-04 - 04:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: Supreme Court Justice Ashcroft?
Subject: RE: BS: Supreme Court Justice Ashcroft?
Specter's problem is that he capitulates pretty easily to the Right's demands. In fact, soon after he said he would not tolerate ideologues being nominated, he came out tail between his legs and said "Bush is my Daddy." (Actually, he said that his remarks were NOT intended as a warning to the president, and that he would NEVER apply an ideological litmus test such as position on Roe V. Wade to a nominee, etc, etc.) So we'll see. Either Frist will get his way and Specter will not get that position, or a chastened Specter may become pliant, or just possibly, Specter may show some backbone.