The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75203   Message #1319753
Posted By: Cluin
07-Nov-04 - 03:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: Crylabia
Subject: RE: BS: Crylabia
And now, once again, it's time for another episode of Laughing at People's Genitals!

(cue theme music and fade out)

So... What have you got today for us, Sandie?

Well, Bill, here's a bunch of pictures of ladies who needed a Flap-Tuck. Have a gander.

Ha Ha Ha! Pretty funny stuff, Sandie! Thanks a lot!

You're welcome, as always, Bill. By the way, I got the test results back and you can stop worrying; it's not a contagious condition.

Whew! That's a relief! Thanks again Sandie.

Now, let's check in with Dan in the field. Dan, you've always got something interesting for us. Any luck this week?

Hell yes, Bill! This stuff isn't hard to find. Look at the hobbies some dudes will get up to with too much time on their hands... roll the tape I sent back.

Holy Piss, Dan. That's outrageous! Just where do you find this stuff?

Well, Bill, unlike you, I get off my ass every now and then and go looking. That's what you pay me for. So do don't have to, remember?

Ha, Ha, Ha! Go fuck yourself, Dan! See you next week...

Well, folks that's all the time we have today for Laughing at People's Genitals. Be sure and tune in again next week and see what our roving reporters turn up for our ghoulish eyes then.

Until next week, remember this!

(cue theme music and out)