The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75251   Message #1319948
Posted By: Bobert
07-Nov-04 - 06:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: How can 55 million people be so dumb?
Subject: RE: BS: How can 55 million people be so dumb?
Well, the Dems are marginalizing themselves by trying too hard to be Bush-Lite. And they are running out of time to stand as a true opposition party, The DNC shouldn't have conspired wo heavily against Howard Dean because he represented some freshness. The Dems would be better off having lost to Bush by 10 points with Dean than they are having lost with Kerry by 2 points. Why? Well, because they would have forwards some new ideas for folks to think about. Look at Goldwater. At the time he was the nominee of the Repubs, he threw out a lot of ideas that the American people weren't ready for yet. But Goldwater got folks thinking about conservative ideas and the Repubs were awarded down the road very nicely...

This is waht the Dems must do. Thay also need to sit down with Ralph Nader and just listen to him talk for a few hours, then go home and think about it. Nader makes more sense than anyone in American politics and the Dems, if they want to survive are going to have to become a progressive party. If they don't, then there's never going to be any reason for folks to change horses...
