The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44967 Message #1320344
Posted By: Strollin' Johnny
08-Nov-04 - 08:31 AM
Thread Name: Thumbpick help
Subject: RE: Thumbpick help
Herco 'blue' thumbpicks - great. Not the ones like a plectrum with a loop attached (too ungainly) but the blue 'true' thumbpick, very slim, pretty flexible, give a nice bright sound sompared with the dull clunk you get from those fat Dunlops. I'm told they're v. good for pedal steel and lap players.
PaulG, you don't say where you are - if in the US you should have no problem, but if in the UK they're very difficult to obtain (I had to but a bagfull from the US).
Bobert - re: 'pickers elbow', you sure that wasn't wanker's cramp? (ROFL!) :0)