The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75244   Message #1320743
Posted By: GUEST,Frank
08-Nov-04 - 05:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: Get Out of Iraq Now!
Subject: RE: BS: Get Out of Iraq Now!
We never gave UN a chance. The Inspectors were doing a good job. But the Right-wing warmongers decided that it wasn't in their best political interest to let the inspections take place. They'd rather go in and slaughter innocent people in Iraq. Why is it that this Administration think that blood-letting and murderous occupation of Iraq even after Saddam had been caught will give them any kind of moral high ground? The rest of the world knows that this Administration has corrupted America. The Bushies are making dogmeat out of innocent women and children.

If we were to withdraw, it couldn't be any worse than it is now. We have replaced Saddam with another dicatator, Allawi does not represent the Iraqi people. There's going to be another civil war there anyhow but as long as American troops remain there, they will be a united front against what the Iraqis consider to be oppressors.

Were Kerry in office, he would know how to solve the problem. He could make arrangements with the various warring factions and bring in the world community. He was very clear about this in his speeches. But now he's gone. So it's Monday morning quarterbacking.

The only thing that makes sense now is to raise our voices in protest against this illegal, immoral war. Why was Vietnam being revisited? Because it is happening again.
