The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75244   Message #1320863
Posted By: Bobert
08-Nov-04 - 07:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: Get Out of Iraq Now!
Subject: RE: BS: Get Out of Iraq Now!
Ahhhhh, yo Uncle Sam... You have an operational definition for what a 'terrorist" is?

And, Question #2. Lets say that another country invaded the US and had surrounded your town. What would you do? Now if you say defend yourself then you might want to rethink your first response to the "Waht is a terrorist" question.

If you say that you wouldn't defend yourself, then maybe you ain't all that gruff and tough as you would like folks to believe here by the tone of your postings.

And I'll repeat that democragy doesn't come from the barrel of a gun and this odd-ball "freedom" that Don Rumsfeld and George Bush talk about for the Iraqi people ain't gonna come from the barrels of US guns. Terribly flawed logic...
