The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75244   Message #1320943
Posted By: Little Hawk
08-Nov-04 - 08:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: Get Out of Iraq Now!
Subject: RE: BS: Get Out of Iraq Now!
Good God, no, Bobert! "Uncle Sam" or "US" or whoever the hell it is, is not me trying to parody the quintessential "ugly American"...although he might sound like such a parody. I think it's someone who is actually serious. His words should serve as a further warning to people of just how dangerous the American administration is in the World today, when it's got people like that backing it. If I had the power, I'd put the fool in the front lines right where the fighting is the thickest, since blood is obviously what he wants and thirsts for. Best he should get a chance to see what it's like firsthand.