The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75057   Message #1321018
Posted By: Kaleea
08-Nov-04 - 10:17 PM
Thread Name: Stolen Guitar London
Subject: RE: Stolen Guitar London
On occasion when this happens to a friend I ask some of our music buddies to send out thoughts to the guitar to find its way back home. (& the dirty dog who stole it to the pokey!). Sometimes it has actually worked, so what do we have to lose? We should all use "the force" or whatever you choose to call it to mentally reach out & draw the guitar back to Ralphie. If folks all over the world could send positive thoughts &/or prayers to a giant telescope in outer space to "heal" or fix it's technical problems, anything is possible. And I suppose voodoo is not such a bad idea, either! Anyone know a good voodoo spell to bring a guitar home?