The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75273   Message #1321051
Posted By: GUEST
08-Nov-04 - 10:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: Falluja
Subject: RE: BS: Falluja
I'm pissed off at the Repubs and the Repubs lite, but no worse now than I was before Nov 2nd, brucie.

But hey, don't worry about me and the progressive lefties like me. Anger works as a great motivator for us, so I wouldn't worry too much about it. I can count on one or two hands the number of Mudcatters that ever get off their armchair pundit asses and take any political action, and most of them are Democratic party loyalists, out there doing the dirty for their tribe.

You might find this (scroll down) an interesting read if that is the way you feel though, brucie. We need Canadians and Brits and French and Aussie and NZlanders and Germans and... get the picture. We need those millions back in the streets of capitols around the world for the Anti-Inauguration of Dubya!