The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75292   Message #1321174
Posted By: beardedbruce
09-Nov-04 - 02:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: US Politics and Global Warming
Subject: RE: BS: US Politics and Global Warming

I meant that the effect of global warming will be to raise the water level by some feet per year. The first state to go under will be Florida. Look at the elevations, and you will see that the BLUE states will have almost no loss of area.... Pied Piper is really out of line on this one. If anything, all those red states will send population into the blue states, where the liberals can properly educate them and make sure that they vote according to the Party Line.

We are far more likely to destroy enough of the infrastructure, or allow terrorists of some sort to destroy it, so that the poulation will be greatly reduced, without any need to worry about global warming.

Or that asteroid that we should be looking for, but don't quite want to fund the search for is going to hit, and give us a few hundred years of winter- Now that would stop global warming, since once the ice caps build up, they reflect the sunlight that would melt them, and the glaciers would return...