The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75292   Message #1321201
Posted By: beardedbruce
09-Nov-04 - 03:17 AM
Thread Name: BS: US Politics and Global Warming
Subject: RE: BS: US Politics and Global Warming

Have you ever looked at the numbers? The primary cause of climatic change is NATURAL causes, such as volcanoes ( how many major erruptions in the last 20 years?) and solar flux change. The sun is a variable star, to some degree.

Should we try to reduce pollution? OF COURSE. But to decide that that is the cause of the warming is an act of hubris far beyound any that the Bush Administration has ever demonstated. We might slow, or speed things by a percent- but that would take a major effort, and I think that the effort would be better spent using the resources to help ease the REAL shift that will happen, regardless of political decisions.

As for species extinction, that is primarily due to habitat destruction. All we need to do is have mandatory birth control, and reduce the population down to sustainable levels, to keep the level of available animal habitate constant. So, who gets to decide who will have children? (And I mean a serious, population reducing level- like one birth per 10 couples per decade.)You? Me? I certainly don't want that job. Or should we just kill off everyone who disagrees with you, leaving enough room for the animals? I am open to a reasonable method- but the moral bankruptcy is not on my part.