The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15014   Message #132125
Posted By: Vixen
05-Nov-99 - 09:24 AM
Thread Name: Songwriting: How often & how long ?
Subject: RE: Songwriting: How often & how long ?
Well, the muse has been striking me at intervals since I was about four. I write fiction, poetry, and songs, and I "create" other things that feel as if they were "inspired:" institutional strategic plans, currcula, and the like. Sometimes the magic is there, and sometimes it isn't, but I learned in my 20s to trust that it's been around on and off since I was a small child, so, though it may go away for awhile, it will return. For example, I hadn't written a song since February, but I wrote three on 28 October. I guess I've gotten to the point where I believe I have a gift, and like a real present, I can't take it for granted or expect it on demand, and I must make the most of it when I receive it.

As for how long I keep my originals in my repertoire, I play 'em until I get bored with 'em. I have a couple that are "occasion songs" that I wrote, learned, performed, and archived, like the one I wrote for the birth of a friend's first baby. Some of the songs I wrote I can't perform--either my guitar skills or my vocal skills can't meet the challenge (yet!). But I have friends who CAN perform them, and they do, for which I am eternally grateful.

My US$0.02, for what it's worth--mileage may vary!