The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73207   Message #1321376
Posted By: Champagne Carol
09-Nov-04 - 09:23 AM
Thread Name: BS: Secret Santa Hints 2004
Subject: RE: BS: Secret Santa Hints 2004
Dear Secret Santa,

I shall just be really pleased to get anything, but as I know this is not helpful here are my details/hints!

1. what is your age range? 38 (39 in January 2005)

2. gender? Female

3. Do you have a favorite color? Anything autumnal

4. favorite authors/ type of book? Terry Pratchett (Cllr buys me the new one every Christmas) and other escapist type fantasy

5. what books have you really been wanting? Something about icebreakers or fun games for team meetings. Also I've only just discovered the LE Modesitt books about Recluce, and I only have the first in the series, plus the one that tells how Justen became a grey wizard.

6. what type of music do you like? Bouncy folk music and jazz

7. what cds have you really been wanting? Tapes would be nicer than CD's as I only have a tape player in my car, and don't currently have anything nice to play on it! It would be really special to have something recorded by my Secret Santa, although I guess then the secret might be out?

8. What movies (vhs is in the price range) have you been wanting? None, thank you.

9. what is your t-shirt size? Large

10. do you collect anything? if so, what? Champagne (or Cava) ;-) although I don't so much collect it as drink it, preferably with good friends.    To be honest I don't really collect anything, except extra weight as I get older - hmmm, I wonder if that's connected with the champagne drinking?? no - surely not!

11. what are some of your other hobbies? Looking after Cllr seems to take up a lot of my time, but I do love it (and him)! In my free time I'm interested in NLP, creativity and my toddler size nieces.

12. do you prefer gold-tone or silver-tone jewelry? Gold tone, but I also love jewellery incorporating beads, wood etc. Again, most of the things I really love would fit into the autumn palette of colours.

13. please include anything else you feel is important that would help your secret santa know what you would like. I'm not good with artificial scents, but I do love natural aroma oils. I also love having candles burning around the house. Most of all I like nice surprises!

Hope this helps Santa, and possibly also Cllr if he's looking for extra inspiration.

Love & hugs,
Champagne Carol