The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75244   Message #1321660
Posted By: Little Hawk
09-Nov-04 - 01:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: Get Out of Iraq Now!
Subject: RE: BS: Get Out of Iraq Now!
My impression is, Doug, that the USA and Britain have killed far more Iraqis than Saddam. Further to that, they both supported and armed Saddam while he was killing Iraqis...until they didn't need him to kill Iranians anymore.

Britain was killing Iraqis wholesale in the 20's and 30's too. The USA is a latecomer to the dirty game of empire.

The Iraqis know this. The USA and Britain are far greater enemies of the Iraqi people than even Saddam could ever have managed to be, and he was one of their former employees and hit men.