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Thread #75292   Message #1321691
Posted By: GUEST
09-Nov-04 - 02:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: US Politics and Global Warming
Subject: RE: BS: US Politics and Global Warming
The science is pretty solid in some ways about global warming. It happened without industrial greenhouse gases all on it's Ice Age own. But that doesn't mean that greenhouse gases aren't precipitating the global warming.

Now, for those of us here in Minnesota, that ain't such bad news. We, uh, kinda like the globe around here warming up a bit!

But that said, the dangers of greenhouse gases and pollution are becoming alarming, if for no other reason than the rapidity with which they have built up in the atmosphere and are causing serious health effects, effects on agricultural systems, economies, etc.

Then there is that pesky fact that we aren't going to have fossil fuels to kick around for much longer, even if Bush DOES drill in the ANWR and everyplace else on the globe, and strip mine every coal field, and exploit every pocket of natural gas.

We pretty much have used most that stuff up, it's making us sick, when technology should be extending our lives AND the quality of them, that sort of thing.

Not to mention, the fossil fuel economy is bankrupting us ethically, financially, burning up other resources...

The list of reasons why we need to welcome the brave new world of alternatives is a couple of miles long at this point. We need to be worried, because one thing about climates--they change alot faster than than the tectonics do. Which means these changes will effect, if not us, then our kids or theirs.

It ain't about the being of political rightness, it is about sound stewardship, and being proactive in deciding what kind of world we want to live in, considering the limitations over which we have no control.

Can we stop global warming? No. Do we want to try and slow it down? Maybe, maybe not. But we should at least be allowed to discuss it thoughtfully, without getting shouted down by the Republicans and Republicrats, who keep patting us on the head and telling us not to worry, their experts will take care of everything.