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Thread #75292   Message #1321938
Posted By: GUEST,petr
09-Nov-04 - 05:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: US Politics and Global Warming
Subject: RE: BS: US Politics and Global Warming
well before florida and other parts of the south are underwater,
expect a lot more hurricanes, heatwaves, droughts and floods. The last couple years are probably only a small indication of whats to come.

recently an Inuit village in the north, came across an insect theyve never seen before and do not even have a word for in their language. It turns out it was a wasp. and it was a lot farther north than its ever been. The polar bears wait longer and longer each year for the ice to form so they can start hunting. The permafrost will melt,
(less snow and ice in the north will also reflect less sunlight into space and further increase global warming)

there is nothing wrong with the greenhouse effect, in fact thats what keeps us alive, it the runaway warming that is a threat.

Although GW BUsh finally admitted global warming is a fact, the Pentagon already published a paper last year on the same topic, and how to use military means to control diminishing resources.