The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74806   Message #1321998
Posted By: Ron Davies
09-Nov-04 - 06:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush Dangerously Wrong on Nuclear Non-Prolifer
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Dangerously Wrong on Nuclear Non-Prolifer

Even though your boy himself seems to believe that thinking is not something a true Republican does, you would be advised to try it some time. You would also be advised to check facts before shooting from the lip,--( though again your boy does not---is he really your role model?)

1) Please point out to me exactly where I complained about the election result on this thread. If you would do some elementary checking, you would find that I started this thread before the election. It was an issue before the election; it's still an issue.

2) I appreciate your acceptance of the ground rules---no profanity. It's not necessary in any civilized debate--although one of our posters ( not on this thread) seems to find it hard to live without it.

3) Obviously, the thread went off the list since you didn't deign to answer the basic question---was Bush right to sacrifice world nuclear safety to the wishes of a few US firms who want a shield from worker safety liability?. It's a simple question---yes or no.

4) If you assert that Russia should put no conditions on the US "clearing up their mess", I submit that is a, pardon the expression, stupidly short-sighted attitude on your part---- (but one which fits perfectly with the intellectual and moral brilliance of your mighty leader). If you don't think it is in the US interest to make sure Russian nuclear material is secure--and not trickling or flowing into the hands of anti-US states or parties--give your head a shake.

5) If you don't believe MSNBC is objective, what exactly is your gripe? Are you aware that even Fox news found that Kerry won the first debate? NBC is owned by GE--what do you have against GE? MS is obviously Microsoft--I loathe and despise Microsoft, but that doesn't mean I reject everything they have ever been associated with.

6) The only part of my original post which is absolutely crucial is the quote by Sen. Domenici. It is a direct quote. If you doubt he said it you can look it up.

7) Interesting that you feel honored to have your intelligence "portioned out" (sic) by me. Can you translate that into English?

8) Sean Hannity and Mr. Limbaugh on the Right correspond to Al Franken on the Left. All foam at the mouth and do little else. Therefore I am disinclined to take their word. Nor should you.

9) I think it's reasonable to be tolerantly amused when you made your brilliant remark about the "RD Socialist Party".

Still waiting for your answer. Your boy is dead wrong on this, as on so much else. You'd best admit it.