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Thread #75244   Message #1322010
Posted By: Bobert
09-Nov-04 - 07:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: Get Out of Iraq Now!
Subject: RE: BS: Get Out of Iraq Now!

You posed an interesting question earlier when you asked what would define victory for the US.

The problem is that it would appear that the definition keeps, for some reason, changing as the Bush keep changing the reasons for the invasion.

Okay, a little review:

1. WMD............... Well, since Iraq doesn't appear to have any then we should just say, "We Win" and, ahhhh, leave...

2. Links to Al Quida.............. Well, this has also been disproven so we should just say "We Win" and leave...

3. Mushroom clouds over American cities............. Well, that rurned out to also be false so we should just say "We Win" and leave...

There, those were the first batch of reasons and the reasonable thing would have been to, ahhhh, you guessed it, say We win" and leave...

But no, Bush didn't want to leave after the initial reason for going to war were set aside so he came up with a "new and improved" reason to invade Iraq:

4. Saddam is a bad man................. Fine, Saddam is a bad man but now he is caught so he can't do nay more bad stuff so we should just say "We Win" and leave...

But, no, we didn't leave. Hmmmmmmm? What will they think of next?

5. Okay, no WMD's? No mushroom clouds? No Al Quida connection? No more Saddam? Hmmmmmm? Okay, give me a minute.... Ahhhh, Democracy! Yes, sweet, sweet democracy!!! Yes, yes! That's will represent that elusive victory, fir sure. The problem is that the Bush folks don't think much of democracy. They think it to be a pain in the butt. So, ahhhhh, why would they want to try to impose a failed sysytem of governemnt on a population that is ready to break into a civil war the day the US troops leave?

See, there really is no "end game" here. The Bush folks will keep changing the story just as they have over the last two years. There will not be a victory in Iraq. They had their chances to claim victory and leave. Now they shown they have no intention of leaving Iraq for any reason other than total military defeat by the insurgents of th re US military, which won't happen anymore than a creation of a working democracy in Iraq...

How do you spell "liars"?

Too easy? Try "quagmire"...
