The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75292   Message #1322475
Posted By: Stu
10-Nov-04 - 12:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: US Politics and Global Warming
Subject: RE: BS: US Politics and Global Warming
Moonman - it is not an expression of denial over global warming, but just how much man's activities are causing it. In the case of global warming, my opinion is there is an impact from pollution and the relaease of greenhouse gasses, but the temperature is probably rising as we are on the upward curve of a warming-cooling cycle.

The real problems arise when you take into account deforestation, the overfishing and pollution of our seas etc. We are currently in the middle of what may turn out to be the largest mass extinction in the planet's history, and when you look at the P-T extinction, that is grim indeed. And there is no doubt about who is causing that.