The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75360   Message #1322525
Posted By: DonMeixner
10-Nov-04 - 12:56 PM
Thread Name: I don't sound like me in the monitor...
Subject: RE: I don't sound like me in the monitor...
Hi Victoria,

See if you can find the thread I started awhile ago about in-ear monitors. Being partially deaf myself I have experienced exatly what you describe. I solved my problems with Shure in-ear monitors. This may not be a possibility for you because you wear two units if I am not mistaken. But there were many other suggestions from lots of folks who have dealt with the same issue and each solved it a different way.

First, What kind of microphones? Hi or low imp. ? Do you have to be real close to sing through them or do they pick you up best a ways away from them?

Is your monitor set with just you in it or is it the whole front end or house sound? Is your monitor on the floor or on a stand up in the air near your face?

More to come later, I'm on line a work and I can't be here long.
