The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75343   Message #1322702
Posted By: Rapparee
10-Nov-04 - 03:46 PM
Thread Name: To Honor Veterans
Subject: RE: To Honor Veterans
Dang right, fp. I let the medics in ROK use my veins for practice blood draws, since I have good veins. They reciprocated by letting us keep our beer and booze in their spare bacteriological 'fridge, in there with the dead spirochetes they'd use to really screw up anyone who was stupid enough to mess with 'em.

Why, you may ask, did these medics have a supply of dead syphillis germs? Because before you could go home you had to have a clean bill of health relative to VD. That took a blood draw by the medics you had been screwing with. Whether or not you ever visited The Turkey Farm or any other such place was irrelevant -- a couple quick wipes with a toothpick and they'd make a VD test on Mother Theresa turn out positive. Then, eight more weeks in a special ward before you got to go home....