The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75366   Message #1323051
Posted By: Janie
10-Nov-04 - 11:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Fuck the south
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
But dianavan, where I come from, it's not. It's considered very offensive language. People around here curse very rarely, and they MEAN it when they do.

I agree it was a rant, and I could (and did) laugh at the absolute ignorance and prejudice of the gentleman, but as a defence against the shock of recognition I was really experiencing. (Even though my prejudices differ.) A classic example of the extreme prejudices all of us carry, but which most of us fear to recognize in ourselves. It was all about "Us" vs. "Them." I think there was some element of him laughing at himself for the intensity of his feelings. It was NOT! however, tongue-in-cheek. There was no element of irony in it all, that I could discern. It was pure id. And not very pretty.

Dadgum--real life intrudes on cyberspace once again:-)

Ya'll have a good night's sleep.
