The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75383   Message #1323552
Posted By: greg stephens
11-Nov-04 - 02:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: Nuclear weapon use in mid-East. Odds?
Subject: RE: BS: Nuclear weapon use in mid-East. Odds?
It is kind of worrying. It used to be possible to think, in the period after Hiroshima and Nagasaki, that nobody would actually use the things first, having seen what they could do. This kind of consoling thought does not really apply to deluded young men who think that taking a few infidels to hell will get the perpetrator lined up with a mob of self-healing virgins in paradise. There have, of course,always been deluded young men around who will believe anything as long as sex is involved, but there haven't always been nuclear weapons available in car-boot sales in obscure ex-bits of the Russian empire. I think I'll go and have a pint at the Jolly Potters, it's all too much for me.