The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75388 Message #1323995
Posted By: BanjoRay
11-Nov-04 - 07:52 PM
Thread Name: Doncaster Old Time
Subject: RE: Doncaster Old Time
Greg - I know there are some nice percussion bits on some of the good old recordings, but when someone bashes something in a session, it usually leads to no-one being able to hear the best players, and turns the tune into mud. Having said that, I do enjoy a good dancer adding some sound occasionally. Well - it was a fine session. Geoff the Duck, Banjo Flower and me were the mudcat contingent. The surprise musician was in fact Dave Bing the West Virginia fiddle player who's giving a fiddle workshop in Gainsborough this weekend - what a player, on a gorgeous fiddle he made himself. Keith Johnson, one of the instigators of Foaotmad and Dave's landlord was there with his banjo, as were the band of the Bootleggers Appalachian dance team from Scunthorpe. Sorry Nick, next time we have a thursday session I'll try and give people a little more warning - we didn't decide to do it till wednesday! Cheers Ray