The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15044   Message #132411
Posted By: katlaughing
05-Nov-99 - 09:20 PM
Thread Name: Lyr ADD: Dangerous Dan McGrew
Subject: RE: Lyrics for song Dangerous Dan McGre
Joe and John, I just called my dad and asked if he knew of any tunes for these. He is a Service afficianado almsot from birth. Anyway, he said he'd never heard of any AND, that if you'd ever heard Service read them, himself, you wouldn't want to put them to anything after that! Dad worked in the Aleutians, on Amchitka, in the 1960's. He said Service only made one recording, but Alaska Airlines had a tape of it and always played it on the trips going out to and back from the islands. Said, it was a little odd, hearing that cultured British accent, at first, but then it was just perfect and spellbinding. He never tired of hearing it. Now, I will have to go see if I can find a copy of that recording somewhere on the good ole' Net!