The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14800   Message #132493
Posted By: BK
06-Nov-99 - 12:46 AM
Thread Name: About Irish Rebel Songs
Subject: RE: About Irish Rebel Songs
"Come Out Ye Black An' Tans," as I've heard it, is a very powerful, emotionally rousing song about an atrocity by anybody's recconing, which would make the average person feel strongly against the occupying power.. The real history should not be forgotten.. ("Those who cannot remember history are destined to repeat it.") But I'd be cautious about where I sang it - in fact I've never learned it, 'n I usually like emotionally powerful songs.. Even in folk music, there are often no easy answers.. I think Bishop Tutu has something the troubled world should consider. Look what fundamentalist Hindu nationalists are doing in India.. Someone else thinking they are getting even w/the british.. for now-historical offenses, initially motivated by money..