The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75366   Message #1325054
Posted By: GUEST,Frank
12-Nov-04 - 06:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: Fuck the south
Subject: RE: BS: Fuck the south
I live in the South and I thought it was funny. I laughed at the KKK meeting in "Oh Brother, Where Art Thou". I think that it's an attempt to answer the arrogance of many people who live in the South who call themselves American and throw around names like Elite Liberal (which is an oxymoron) because Liberals are not rich, generally, and are in public service or educational jobs. The truly Elite are corporate tax-dodging criminally-minded Republican CEOs of large companies that are screwing their employers and now own the US. And they own Hollywood too and make movies with Arnold Gropenator, the Steroid King. And they love and use porn.

There are plenty of intelligent, Progressive, compassionate folks in the South who would probably laugh at Kendall's post too. They could see through the "reactionary" tone and know it doesn't apply to them.

The point is this, nowadays in Bushworld we are hearing his minions offer empty and stupid definitions of people they don't like and phrases which, although might incite some Pavlovian dogs down South,where I live, deserve a rebuttal in the form of an occasional rant. I don't take this diatribe seriously at all. It's not really the hate that Limbaugh and Hannity vomit out to the radio world on a daily basis.
