The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75326 Message #1325293
Posted By: Blissfully Ignorant
12-Nov-04 - 11:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: I LOVE GEORGE W. BUSH!!!
So, the perfect way for me to wind up a Republican...
Me- I love bush! Republican- Well, i'm so glad you've finally seen the light, young lady! We all love Dubya round here! Me- No, not George Bush...just....bush.. Republican- Huh? You liberal commie pinko faggot! Ah, well i suppose there's no chance of you needing an abortion, then. That's's one good thing. Me- Actually, i screw guys too. But i do use... REpublican- No! Don't say it! Don't use the c word! ME- CONDOMS!!!!! *Republican dies of a suspected liberalism overdose* Me- Ah,'s all in a days work...OH MY GAWD! *REpublican rises from his deathbed in hideous zombie mode* Republican- Can i have some money, please? Me- NO you bloody well can't! REpublican- Give me some money please or i'll shoot you... Me- Bugger off! You're dead! Republican- Well, so i am! Am i in heaven? Me- No, you idiot! You're in hell...and i'm satan! *i produce pitchfork and mercilessly prod Republicans arse* Republican- Argh! Me- Didn't you know the afterlife is run by women? You are so gonna regret p[issing us off! *prod* Argh! *prod* Argh! ad infinitum...