The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75415   Message #1325921
Posted By: GUEST
13-Nov-04 - 04:16 PM
Thread Name: 'twee voices'
Subject: RE: 'twee voices'
Chuckle, chuckle.

Countess Richard, apparently you think we all *should* know who you are (haughty sniff).

I'm entertaining myself on a slow Saturday afternoon by harpooning your pomposity, arrogance, and sense of self-importance.

Now, if I, who have not a clue who you are, have mistaken you for an arrogant folk snob, why do you suppose that is, hmmmm?

Bored you say? Someone holding you hostage here?

I might add that if the folk music programme in question so infuriates you, why in god's name would you listen to it?

Ah right--so that you can mock it in the morning along with those others in your club who despise Mike Harding.

It seems the lot of you need to be reintroduced to humanity--you've been living too long in your self-imposed folk wilderness among the authenticity wolves.