The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75172   Message #1327392
Posted By: GUEST,Larry K
15-Nov-04 - 11:36 AM
Thread Name: BS: message to Tony Blair
Subject: RE: BS: message to Tony Blair
Doug is not a stupid American.   He is one of over 60 million stupid americans who voted for Bush and against terrorism.

Great Britain is a tiny little island that would be speaking German today if not for stupid americans.   The same stupid americans who left your country for freedom of speech and religion.    The same stupd americans who kicked your but 200 years ago with a rag tag army of volunteers.   The same stupid americans who protect your democracy today.

We stupid americans are just not as smart as you europeans who still have a king and queen.   Not that we would ever make fun of Charley and Diana when Ian Robb does it for us.   As I recall the brilliant citizens in Great Britain were the ones who supported Chamberlain against Hitler and than voted out Winston Churchill after WW II.   He smoked cigars- who would want Churchill as a leader?

I am just a stupid american who doesn't care who your leader is.   It really doesn't make any difference in the long run.   Who is the leader of Guam, Bora Bora, Curaco, Haitii, Finland?   It really doesn't make any difference.   I like Blair. He is well spoken, understand the war on terrorism and has a name our president can pronounce.   That is enough for me as a stupid american.