The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75483   Message #1327577
Posted By: Chris Green
15-Nov-04 - 02:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: Fight prejudice! Fight the Ban!
Subject: RE: BS: Fight prejudice! Fight the Ban!
I cannot believe that the issue of fox hunting is receiving as much press as it is at the moment. You hunters and animals rightsers want something to get angry about? Try Darfur. Try Iraq. Try the fact that thousands of people in this country don't have anywhere indoors to sleep at night. Try the Israel/Palestine conflict. Try the fact that we have child poverty levels to an extent that would shame most other civilised nations. If all the people who marched for and against fox hunting took up these causes in the smae way... anyway you get the idea.

Sorry if I sound abusive (I don't intend to be!) but frankly I think think there are rather more pressing things to get worked up about.