The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75554   Message #1328111
Posted By: Rapparee
15-Nov-04 - 11:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'Reforming' Social Security?
Subject: RE: BS: 'Reforming' Social Security?
I have, in addition to Social Security, retirement accounts in three other states (four, counting this one). In two of those I'm vested. In both I've left the money in the standard account. In both I've earned something in past few years -- 3.28% in one of them according to the latest report. But in both the money market funds, the index funds, and every single one of the "alternate" funds has shown either considerably less growth or been in negative numbers.

My wife's TIAA/CREF, four years ago valued at over USD 1,000,000, is now worth a third of that. I cashed in my 20th Century Fund mutual fund because it was quickly reaching the point where its worth was exactly what I had put into it in 1991. My Fidelity Magellan hasn't done well either in the last four years, but if I get out of it I won't be able to get back in.

Based on my admittedly limited experience, I'd leave my money in the regular Social Security accounts.

Screw privatization. Some things weren't meant to be privatized.