The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75537   Message #1328190
16-Nov-04 - 01:29 AM
Thread Name: Why Bluegrass musicians don't like folk
Subject: RE: Why Bluegrass musicians don't like folk
"Folk music" is yon stuff that folk sing and play. And folk clubs are plagued [as, apparently are "bluegrass" clubs] by "bigots" who see nothing good beyond trad, or are besotted by shanty, or some other narrow spectrum. Traddy-folkies should realise that, as in the antique business, some things that are dug up would be far better left buried. And our local club in Northumberland ---nominally a "folk club" ,and the BEST in the country at that time [I insist!!] used to welcome all who had a talent for entertaining, and many indeed who entertained only by the merit of their material alone. Shantymen abounded. Traddies were to the fore. And Bill Zorn and the Arizona Smoke Review found a riotous reception. I find great pleasure in all good music [I'm like Moses in this respect---as long as "Moses" isn't a pseudonym for Charlton Heston!]. I found to my delight that Bluegrass tends to be "three-chord' in structure, and invites participation of "lesser mortals" alongside vituoso fiddlers and banjo maestros. I have a great love for the good traditional music and song of many lands. I revel in shanties [being cursed with a voice like a foghorn!:-) ] And I think I would have difficulty finding a celtic piece that wasn't worth a look and listen.
Och!---I'm just music-daft!!