The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75483   Message #1328894
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
16-Nov-04 - 02:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: Fight prejudice! Fight the Ban!
Subject: RE: BS: Fight prejudice! Fight the Ban!
what about all the hounds they have to kill if they ban it?
and don't give me any rubbish about being able to have foxhounds as pets.

Oh, c'mon, please!Anyone who knows anything whatsoever about dogs will know that they don't care what they are chasing - as long as they chase something. Watch your everday mongrel with a stick or a ball. It'll keep em happy for days! Fox Hounds are no different. Hunts often go out without killing anything at all, which also points out how inefficient they are. Do you think the hounds are any less happy because they have not killed anything? Quite simply - no.

This having to put dogs down business is complete and utter twaddle. The CA's spin doctors know very well that the people of the UK love dogs and most of them will have the same reaction as Laura when they say all these dogs will have to die. Fortunately most people, including Laura I hope, can see past the obvious fallacies put about by them. Do you think Irish wolfhounds hunt wolves anymore? Do you think mastifs run alongside coaches to protect the passengers? Do you belive that all the collies who are not looking after sheep are deprived in any way?

Keep the dogs, keep the horses, keep the chase. Just loose the kill. Leave the killing to the professionals who know how and where to cull vermin effectively as well as which ones to leave alone!

Fight predjudice indeed. Support the ban!


Dave the Gnome