The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75554   Message #1329168
Posted By: Ron Davies
16-Nov-04 - 06:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'Reforming' Social Security?
Subject: RE: BS: 'Reforming' Social Security?
Doug R--

As usual, you don't read very carefully --(perhaps this helps to explain the amazingly distorted view of the world Bushites seem to have).

Please point out to me where I said "most" Social Security recipients would be affected.

What I said was it would be a mistake for most Social Security recipients to participate in the "PSA's". I am fully aware it would be voluntary.

It is Bush's (and advisors') lousy idea--interesting that he himself, as a multimillionaire, would never have to be concerned. It might be appealing to some people--especially with the US worship of "rugged individualism"--but a mistake for most to start in the market at this point.

If you were starting out and opted for this program, I submit you would be foolish.

Past performance is no guarantee of future success, as many funds warn. This should be a sign on the S & P itself.   For very good reasons, which I enumerated, most gleaned from the Wall St. Journal's investment columnist, jumping into the market at this point and opting out of a steady income, approaches suicide. Since you're evidently sitting there at the table all fat and happy, you can give bad advice forever and it won't hurt you.   Others should beware.

As I said, you don't read very carefully. I have stated several times, on threads on which you have posted that, far from a disgruntled Democrat, I am a registered Republican.   I am however one who:

1) can and will think-- (as Kerry does and Bush does not).

2) realizes that Bush has been a disaster for the country, and possibly the world. The Social Security gambit pales beside his incredibly stupidly short-sighted and/or venal stance of discontinuing the 2 programs to secure Russian nuclear material. But it's still a
mistake (except for brokers).

3) is concerned about something other than my bank account; that is, the fortunes of workers in general, not just brokers.

If you have evidence that the market is about to take off---- (other than through the Ponzi scheme Bush is building with this proposed program)---please share it.

Also, precisely why do you disagree with the Wall St Journal columnist, who says, as I quoted above: "I fear that the privatization of Social Security will be a disaster unless it is accompanied by a slew of safeguards."?

We do not in fact have to wait til we see what comes out of committtee in Congress. We can and should influence it now.