The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75491   Message #1329898
Posted By: Rapparee
17-Nov-04 - 09:42 AM
Thread Name: BS: History Of Mudcat
Subject: RE: BS: History Of Mudcat
BI, you've got a real treat in store! Catfish, well prepared, is wonderful. Roll it in cornmeal and fry it. Or try this:

Get some cat at the store (you can used farm-raised) -- chunks are okay, or get fillets. Doesn't matter.

Make sure all the skin is off it (catfish don't have scales). Use a pair of pliers to remove it if you have to.

Put the fish in a baking pan and cover it in cheap lager beer. I have used Old Milwaukee, but 'most any cheapo lager will do.

Let it marinade in the beer for about 8 hours. During this time oil will appear, floating on the beer. Skim this off, or pour off the oily beer and add more (heck, at ten cents per 12 oz. can...). When very little or no oil appears the fish is ready to cook.

Cook it in your favorite way. Baked, broiled, fried, or eat it raw -- doesn't matter.

Removing the oil from the catfish changes the flavor to that of a very mild, lovely taste and you wouldn't believe it's cat unless you saw it done. You can even chuck it into a fish stew or chowder.