The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62901   Message #1330612
Posted By: Amos
17-Nov-04 - 09:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views of the Bush Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views of the Bush Administration
In an article called If at First You Don't Secede, Michelle Goldberg talks about the polarization that Bush's administration has built throughout the nation, and howe it could lead to a virtual secession, pinning the hopes of liberal-minded people on State's rights and local freedoms. She writes:

"These sentiments were so pronounced that they migrated into the
mainstream. Speaking on "The McLaughlin Group" the weekend after
George W. Bush's victory, panelist Lawrence O'Donnell, a former
Democratic Senate staffer, noted that blue states subsidize the
red ones with their tax dollars, and said, "The big problem the
country now has, which is going to produce a serious discussion
of secession over the next 20 years, is that the segment of the
country that pays for the federal government is now being
governed by the people who don't pay for the federal

A shocked Tony Blankley asked him, "Are you calling for civil
war?" To which O'Donnell replied, "You can secede without firing
a shot.""