The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75554   Message #1330638
Posted By: Ron Davies
17-Nov-04 - 09:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'Reforming' Social Security?
Subject: RE: BS: 'Reforming' Social Security?

1) If you read carefully, but have a question about something I write, ask. Don't assume.

2) You were going to tell us precisely why the Wall St. Journal columnist is wrong when he predicts "disaster" for those foolish enough to try Mr. Bush's wonderful program. Of course you will provide your sources, as I provide mine.

3) In my view we can start shoring up Social Security by totalling ending any tax cut for anybody who makes over $200,000 per year---(sorry if that cramps your style)---and dedicating that money to Social Security. If this sounds familiar. it's because it was part of Kerry's program, as I recall. Since I know you're concerned about the financial health of the Social Security program, I'm sure you will contact your Senator and Congressman, as I suggest, to rescind all tax cuts for earners over $200,000.

I can count on you for this, right? I knew I could.


Get a name.    I don't waste my time on Guests (Ghosts)