The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75631   Message #1330796
Posted By: JennieG
18-Nov-04 - 02:03 AM
Thread Name: BS: Oh, no! I'm unemployed again.
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no! I'm unemployed again.
In December 2000 I left a secure job because I was the victim of bullying by my boss, and I couldn't see it getting any better. I wasn't sure I would get another job (because of my age, and because my experience is in a particular field) but since then have had 3 - all found because in each case a friend had contacted me and said "we need someone where I work, are you interested?" I have been in my current job since April 2002 and plan to stay for a long time yet.
Let as many people as you can in your area - friends - contacts - know you are available. I don't know if the informal networking works where you are, but I have heard that only a very small percentage of jobs are ever advertised, the rest are filled by networking and word-of-mouth.
Meantime don't be hard on yourself!

Cheers and hugs