The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75618   Message #1330830
Posted By: s&r
18-Nov-04 - 03:11 AM
Thread Name: Who are these guitarists?
Subject: RE: Who are these guitarists?
Weelittle drummer - let me tell you of the best guitar set I have ever seen from Eric or anyone ever.

The set had been brilliant: Eric had introduced his last piece with the comment that he had just about enough energy left to perform it. It was a version of 'smells like teen spirit' Nirvana. It's a bit tongue in cheek because he plays lead bass rhythm and drums simultaneously...

Threequarters through his bass string broke and got tangled in the other strings. Without missing a beat, he reached to his mic radio control, turned it up, and said (superfluosly) ' I just broke a string - let's see if I can manage withoutit'. At which he disentangled the broken string and pulled it out of the way, all without missing a beat, 'I need a low D' ...retuned the fifth string right down to D - and finished the piece. The place erupted.

What is his style - unique. his history is classical guitar as a child, heavily influenced by his upbringing playing Irish music, now plays acoustic. Writes most of his stuff..

Am I a fan - you betcha!
