The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75631   Message #1330912
Posted By: Bassic
18-Nov-04 - 06:07 AM
Thread Name: BS: Oh, no! I'm unemployed again.
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, no! I'm unemployed again.
There is enough negative energy around in the world as it is........especially in your world at the moment Pauline, because of your circumstances.
That negative energy cancels out the positive energy that we all need to be sucessful. It eats up the "get up and go", the "roll your sleves up and get on with it", the creative energy. That creative energy is what we use when we are being sucessfull and feeling fulfilled. We all have varying levels of creative energy and the draws on that energy are different for us all depending on our circumstances.
In simple terms.......we get depressed when the negatives start to outway the positives. Because of your current circumstances the negatives are outwaying the positives at the moment and the feeling of depression that comes with an excess of negatives is a completely normal reaction to have, so dont think there is anything "wrong" with you. As the positives start to return, the mood will lift.

Where do we get those positives from? For some it will be from their loved ones, for others it will be from their skills and tallents, for others it will be from very deep within themselfs because of their faith, or because they have an exceptional personality, or have been lucky in their upbringing. For you at the moment, some of it is coming from here in Mudcat.
Take the possitive good thoughts here and use them to find some "feel good" stuff, take the flickering of a smile that comes from the good words here, share it with someone, the bus driver, the check out girl at the store, turn it into a grin, because they will probably give you a grin in return. Thats how the positive energy that you need gets built. Work, good luck, success will return as the smile does, it just seems to work like that!

I am having to do exactly the same myself at the moment, life has just thrown me a couple of "curved balls" and so I am topping up the positive energy wherever I can at the moment. Its happened to me before and I am sure it will happen again at sometime in the future, life is like that these days, we just cant "control" everything. However, the "scared" feeling isnt there this time, because I know from the last time it happened, that it is possible to get through it and come out the other side.
I also know that the best thing I can do to help myself is to feed my positive energy as much as possible, thats what makes me employable again, makes people want to be around me, makes me successful again. Gives me back my energy for life.

So, dont put all your energy into trying to get a depressed person a job......that is never easy! Use some of your energy on you, on putting that smile back, and you have already started on that road by coming here. You have dicovered one of the secrets of the mudcat actualy works! Why do you think we have so many misserable folks posting here? (I mean the ones that make being miserable an art form!) They keep coming back time after time! Its because they know they will always find a smile here somewhere!!! :-)

Best wishes from Hull (un-misserable capital of the mudcat world ;-)