The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15014   Message #133134
Posted By: KingBrilliant
08-Nov-99 - 05:12 AM
Thread Name: Songwriting: How often & how long ?
Subject: RE: Songwriting: How often & how long ?
The only good songs I've written have come out of the ether almost fully formed (and the bits that weren't quite there take ages to get right). I dare say they are peicings together of things I've heard, seen & read around that time, ie whatever's occupying my mind at the time - but then that should count as inspiration shouldn't it? I go through periods of not writing anything at all for ages & I've learnt not to try to write if I've nothing to say as it only frustrates me. I think if I knew more theory in terms of music & tale-telling then I might be able to craft songs more at will and with more intentionality. As it is I just have happy accidents from time to time and that'll have to do me for now.
