The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75537   Message #1331553
Posted By: GUEST,Hootenanny
18-Nov-04 - 05:33 PM
Thread Name: Why Bluegrass musicians don't like folk
Subject: RE: Why Bluegrass musicians don't like folk

The recently late Charley Waller's work I have been familiar with since the first Country Gentlemen recordings in the early sixties and saw him on his (only ?) trip to England a few years back. He certainly had wide tastes and the ability to put the stuff across including some great country songs.
I really don't believe that most bluegrass musicians dislike folk (depending on your definition), how can they it's the roots of their music. What I do believe is that if they have a session going on and someone attempts to join in with music or instruments that don't fit into what's going on then they might not be too happy, same with any session surely. I get involved in bluegrass type sessions and old timey sessions and don't mind who joins in provided it fits and they know when to hold back. Someone playing spoons at a bluegrass session or bodhran at the old time session would certainly give me reason to put down my instrument and pick up my pint.