The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75663 Message #1331591
Posted By: friskett
18-Nov-04 - 06:32 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: The Moss o' Burreldale
Subject: Lyr Req: Moss o' Burradale (?)
I'm looking for help with the lyrics of a bothy song which begins:
"Oh, did ye see a tinkie's camp upon a summer's nicht The nicht afore the market, a' things goin' richt. Come a' ye tramps and hawkers, come by hill and dale, We gaithered in the gloamin' at the [Moss o' Burrowdale."]
The chorus begins:
"When ale was only tuppence, a tanner bought a gill."
It's sung in the Doric, and being Aberdeenshire-dialect-impaired, I can't make out all the words. Any references to a written version would be appreciated! (I can't find it in the big 7 vol. Grieg-Duncan set, or by searching on the lyrics above on line.)