The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75483   Message #1332109
Posted By: The Shambles
19-Nov-04 - 06:45 AM
Thread Name: BS: Fight prejudice! Fight the Ban!
Subject: RE: BS: Fight prejudice! Fight the Ban!
Foxes killed by hounds suffer no more than animals legally killed by the Halal method, and not only are there more killed by this method, but they unlike the fox have no chance of escape.

Those animals killed for food by the Halal method do not get first chased for miles accross the countryside and terified by a pack of dogs that are trained for this purposes - mainly to provide enjoyment for the hunters.

But comparisons with other forms of cruelty and grading them - misses the point that any creulty should be avoided if at all possible.

But now that this has been banned - the argument to legalise hunting with dogs is a different one and one that The Countryside Alliance - who are still fighting the same campaign to prevent it from being banned - have not seen yet. The lady interveiwed last night was talking, of them being law-adiding citizens but with every intention of breaking the law and to continue to hunt.

It remains to be see how many who currently claim that they will do this - actually are brave enough, when the time comes. To go out and risk photographic evidence of their personal involvement in an illegal activity and of getting a criminal record is not something that the majority of hunt supporters are likely to be prepared to do. However, I am sure they will cheer loudly at the few scapegoats who will be prepared to be used in this fashion, to make a political point.

But what point? The process of law protects us all from lawbreakers. Hunters currently enjoy the protection of the law against those who would break the law to try and prevent hunts from taking place. When these anti-hunt protestors break the law to do this, (rather than using legal and peacful means) the law deals with them and they are rightly criticised by most of us. Taking part in illegal acts in order to be able to kill nice furry animals for sport - is rather unlikely to be seen generally, as any more heroic.

Bringing publicity by encouraging illegal activity is one thing - but your cause has to be able to have general popular support in order for this approach to be effective. Many who may be anti-Government will not wish to fight on this battleground. It is time that the pro-hunt lobby stopped stiring - up and using honest people for their own selfish ends and accepted that they have fought well but have lost the argument.