The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75690   Message #1332320
Posted By: RichM
19-Nov-04 - 09:58 AM
Thread Name: BS: Suggest a welcome for Bush
Subject: BS: Suggest a welcome for Bush
Bush Visits Canada

US President Bush will be visiting Ottawa, Canada on November 30.

I have been *welcoming US presidents to my city since John Kennedy's visit. I need suggestions from Mudcatters for a short greeting; it should be short enough to place on a sign which I would carry.

One word, or several--but not a paragraph! As a recovered heart patient, I can't carry a big sign!
So, get busy, help me out here. Your suggestion can be pro- or anti- or neutral, funny or serious. Right or Left Wing...or center.

Winner will get a CD by Gospel Grass, a bluegrass band I was part of, in the nineties. (Gotta get rid of them somehow)


*tongue firmly in cheek